March 02, 2013

Manhattan Eyemazing Effect Eyeshadow

Have you ever bought any products by Manhattan? I own quite a few and I really like this brand. So, that's why I was pleasantly surprised when I saw these on FB. Some of them really look amazing and they have interesting combinations. Currently, my favourites are Brownie Break, Rosy Wood, NY City Girl, Falling for Purple and Green Piece. I will probably have to cut my list down a bit or start searching for a second job. :)



  1. Z njihovimi senčkami še nimam dosti izkušenj, samo tele izgledajo res luštno :) Takoj bi imela NY City Gril in Miss Right, Pastel the Truth tudi ni napačna :)

  2. Jaz sem pa za bolj naravne: brownie break, smokey smile in rosy wood :)

  3. Manhattan senčke so super - dobro pigmentirane in tudi obstojne. Teh še nimam, imela pa sem kar nekaj drugih, tudi mono, pa sem vse vedno porabila do konca.

  4. Maja, ker imaš tako lep in uporaben blog sem te nominirala za Liebster award. Več najdeš na mojem blogu.

    Lep vikend,

